CICC Blue Book is now on the web. Anyone involved in commercial construction in Minnesota can access the newest edition of the Construction Industry Cooperative Committee of Minnesota (CICC) Blue Book of recommendations at www.agcmn.org. The Blue Book in hard copy is available from AGC of Minnesota, 525 Park St., Suite 110, St. Paul, MN 12345
BXSP introduces its new NLA 401(K) Multiple Employer Plan AVAILABLE NOW to all members of BXSP. Call Dan Gardner at 612-743-4961 for more info.
Shopping for workers’ compensation insurance? Contact The Builders Group (TBG) for a no-cost quote today. www.tbgmn.com
BUILD YOUR BOTTOM LINE WITH BXSP. Join BXSP TODAY and take advantage of the many value-added membership benefits available to your company.
BXSP is always open online. BXSP PlanLine provides online 24/7 access to construction documents.