BXSP Members WITH an existing Upgraded Membership to the PlanLine, please use your existing PlanLine Username/Password to obtain access to the daily project list.
BXSP Members WITHOUT an existing Upgraded Membership to the PlanLine, please call 651-224-7545 to request a limited access Username/Password to access the daily project list.
If you do not currently have an active membership to the BXSP, please use the link below to find information regarding membership and subscription levels to join the BXSP. Prospective members may also call Tom at 123-345-5678 for additional information.
The government of this corporation and the management of its affairs shall be vested in a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer and a Board of twelve (12) Directors. The President, Vice President and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of said Board of Directors. Any President whose term expires after the annual meeting of 1953 shall automatically become on ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for one (1) year.